Hello to all! While I am in the process of learning this website I will do my best to keep you updated on changes, tournaments, duals etc. If there is anything you would like to see added to the blog please email the information to me and I will update it as soon as I can. Also, any forms or other information can be sent to me as a pdf and I can add it as well! My email address is : helpmerhondalee@juno.com
Today and tomorrow the kids will be at two different tournaments. Wasatch Duals - see the information on the forms page. It is page two which follows the TP fundraiser flier. As for the Roy Duals bus leaves MC at 10:00 Am on Friday and 6:45v AM on Satruday. Weigh-ins at 11:30 and 8:00 respectively. Meet starts at 1:30 on Friday and 9:00 AM on Saturday with the last dual starting at 4:15 on Saturday. Coach Guy, Laken, Phil and Zek will be the coaches at the Roy tournament.
Here is a list of the following kids going to Roy:
106, labrum, Balls, Williams 113: Leishman, Eccles, Lott 120: Grange, White 126: Schwab, Scholes, Miller 132; C Wengreen, Palmer, Scholes 138: Lewis, Egbert, Seeholzer, Peterson 145: Gunnell, Richman, McConald, Barker, Sessions, Merkley 152: K Lindley, Dehek, Greenhalgh 160: Grntham, Tippets 170: Clark, Cooley 182 - 195: Anderson 220: Freston, Vogel 285: Pratt, Fiefia, Shciess
Good Luck to all the boys!!
Lee Labrum