Friday, October 28, 2011

Middle School and Junior High Wrestling

Mt. Crest Middle School and Junior High Wrestling


The opportunity to be part of one of the greatest wrestling teams in the Western United States is here now. Don’t miss your chance to learn the oldest martial art.
Practices start: Tues, Nov. 2, at 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Mt. Crest wrestling room. Practices will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Most meets and tournaments will be on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

The wrestling season will start on Nov. 2nd and end Feb. 4th

All sizes and abilities are welcome and encouraged to participate.  The participation fee is $75 and includes championship level coaching at 3 practices a week for 3 months, entry into the Wednesday evening meets, a custom designed T-shirt, and transportation to some of the tournaments. Fundraising opportunities are available.

Parents are welcome to attend and participate in every practice.

If you are uncertain about this exciting opportunity, feel free give it a try.

Contact Justus Swensen with any questions at 435-760-3779 or visit our website

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2011 - 2012 High School Schedule Out

Check out this seasons schedule on the "forms" page of the website. We will have two tournaments scheduled for each weekend. This means both our 1 and 2 wrestlers at each weight will have a varsity schedule. Our 3 and 4 wrestlers will wrestle a strong JV schedule and many of our 5 - 6 wrestlers will also have many changes to wrestle.

Wrestling success is based on hard practice followed by great competition followed by smart, hard practice. It is often stated that to get better you must wrestle, wrestle, wrestle. We at Mountain have a special chance to wrestle tough competition and often because of our great parents and their fundraising efforts. So wrestlers make sure you thank them.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wrestlers Diet
With the start of every season, there is always renewed interest in nutrition. Whether the focus is on dropping to a lower weight or staying strong through a proper diet, wrestlers always have many questions on what they should eat.

Step one: All Vegetables, All the Time
Eat a vegetable at every meal and for most of your snacks. The higher the fiber vegetable the more full you will feel.
Step two: 3 – 4 Servings of Fruit

Bananas and oranges are very important because of the Vitamin C they provide. Melons are high in Vitamin A and blueberries are also great. So, when adding fruit to a diet variety can be an important factor to consider.

Step three: Water over Juice/Pop

Pop provides nothing of value to for a wrestler’s body to run off of. There are no nutrients to digest. Further, youthful consumers have gotten hooked on oversized drinks. A wrestler should definitely consider the numbers before they grab a soda. Eight ounces of pop has about 140 calories. The “average” pop serving has increased in size, with many people drinking as much as 24 ounces of pop in one sitting. Using a caloric intake of 4200 calories a day, 24 ounces of pop would be 420 calories or nearly 10 percent of the energy intake for the day. Throw in the fact that it has no nutritional value, coaches and wrestlers should see that fruit juice is a much better beverage to reach for.
The problem with Juice is most are very high in sugar with little of the natural vitamins left in them. Instead of juice have some water and an apple.
Generally speaking water is overlooked as an important part of good nutrition. One old standard is 64 ounces of water consumption a day. Clearly wrestlers work hard and perspire significantly so wrestlers should work to replace the lost fluid. Water replacement is a critical part of a nutritional plan for a wrestler.

The rest of article is in the forms section of the website

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Goal Setting

You will be a better wrestler and a better person if you set goals. Please take a look at some of the articles I have posted on the FORMS section on the website. The following is a sample of one of the articles:

Tips to Writing Better Goals
(Adapted from The Mental Edge by Kenneth Baum)
When writing your goals, the acronym SMART will help you with the process.
Specific - Make it clear what you want. Use numbers not vague statements.
Measurable - Be able to keep track of your progress toward your goal.
Attainable - Make it relevant to your skills and level of expertise.
Realistic - For example, don't set your goal to win the Olympics this year.
Time frame - Keep in mind the limited time you have to achieve these goals.

Benefits of Goal Setting
(Adapted from Winning the Mental Way by Karlene Sugarman)
1. Improves the quality of practice and performance.
2. Increases motivation and sustains motivation over a longer period of time.
3. Relieves boredom by making training more challenging.
4. Lessens the doubt that you can't accomplish something.
5. Encourages you to be persistent in your pursuit.
6. Directs attention to the task at hand.
7. Helps put things in proper perspective.
8. Clarifies expectations between athlete, teammates, coaches, and parents.
9. Increases pride and satisfaction.
10. A mechanism for building self-confidence.

Finish Strong
Coach B

Monday, October 3, 2011

Little League Wrestling

Little League Wrestling
K - 2nd Grades on Tues. and Thurs. (5:15pm - 6:30pm)
3rd - 5th Grades on Mon. and Wed. (5:15pm - 6:30pm)
$45 for the season ($10 discount for additional family)
6 weeks of coaching; custom T-shirt; 3 local meets
Practice starts the week of Oct. 10 in the MC Wrestling Rm
Contact Justus Swensen@ 435.760.3779 for ?'s

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Morning Workouts

Craig Dart - Monday and Wednesday at 6:30am

Phil Rutledge - Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00am: Cross Training

Wrestlers not currently in a sport should take advantage of these workouts in order to get in shape for the start of the season. Any football players must have permission from their football coaches. Freshman are invited as well.

Finish Strong
Coach Burdett